i have a cute garden in my house now :)) How was your day? You have a nice day, right? mmm... wish u have the one of them if u don't have yet. Lately, i feel a little busy. Yea, not too busy but enough. actually i wanna write some articles, but i dont really have time to do that. But now, idk why i go to this page, write some words then i dunno where these words are going. Time flies so fast. Ahahah its real. did you know? im in the 3rd year of my college now. Like OMG, i was in my first year of junior high school when i have this blog. I wrote some stories then post them on this page, u all read them, and i'm very excited when i get feedback or many visitors come to my blog to read mine. It's cool. i have more than 170.000 visitors now on this blog ehehe. Thank you :) Till finally i rarely opened this blog. Of course, i have so much to do in real life. I write to heal sometimes, till i feel it doesnt work anymore too many things on ma mind all is reasonabl...
Sebagai warga Kota Bojonegoro, sudah lama kita tidak mendengar tagline "Bojonegoro Matoh". Tagline yang sempat viral pada masa-masa Kang Yoto ini, dengan kata "Matoh" yang berarti "keren; bagus; menakjubkan" telah berganti menjadi tagline baru yang sekarang cukup sering diperdengarkan. Ya, wajar saja, ganti bupati :) Tapi, warga Bojonegoro, tahu ngga nih, makna di balik "Pinarak" itu sendiri dan kenapa dijadikan sebagai tagline Bojonegoro pada kepemerintahan Bu Anna Mu'awanah? Nah, banyak yang ngga tahu kan. Jadi, mari kita kupas sedikit demi sedikit (karena penulis sendiri juga sebenarnya penasaran banget, hehe). ____ Bojonegoro merupakan kota wisata di Jawa Timur yang terkenal dengan api abadinya "Kayangan Api". Sebagai kota wisata, tentunya Bojonegoro menjunjung tinggi budaya-budaya yang ada. Dikutip dari 25 Tempat Wisata di Bojonegoro Terbaru & Terhits Dikunjungi - Java Travel terdapat kurang lebih 25 tempat wisata hi...